22 Months Old

Long overdue Isabel update….

Isabel, at 22 months, has flown on an airplane about 14 times, traveled by train and bus and by car.  She has run around Incan ruins, city squares, parks, and manicured museum gardens.  She says “hola” and “hiya”; “bye bye” and “ciao ciao”.  She can ask for “agua” and “more”; “cheese” and “palta” (avocado in Peru).  She says “aqui” and “alli”; “arriba” and “abajo”.  She says “mmm, good” and “rico”.  She can demand to “walk” or “dance” or command you to “sit” or “sing”. She can offer to “help you” as well as ask for help by saying “help you”.  (me and you are still pretty confusing).

Her favorite toys are her stuffed animal dog, named “Bow wow” and her “Dolly”.  She loves writing with crayons; playing in her play kitchen; helping me in the real kitchen; helping me with laundry, folding clothes and then putting them away.   She can sort of get her shoes on and off herself.  As soon as she hears music, she starts dancing.

She still can’t jump. 😉

Here are a few photos of her running around Machu Picchu.  (I have MANY more MP/Sacred Valley photos that I’ll get around to posting hopefully very soon):




5 Months Old!

Isabel is 5 months old today.  I’m in awe as I watch her grow and develop.

She is getting really good at grabbing thing with intention.  She grabs anything in her sight.  She can pass a toy back and forth (sort of).  She has figured out how to make the frog sing its obnoxious song from the fisher price chair that we received as a gift.  She loves sticking out her tongue and is really working hard trying to blow a raspberry.  She wakes up smiling at mama every day.  She likes pulling daddy’s beard, but hasn’t got his glasses yet.  She talks all the time and makes the sweetest, small, quiet coos as she’s nursing to sleep.  Recently, peek a boo, with mama making increasingly absurd noises, is a big hit – igniting full on belly laughs. She also laughs with glee for the itsy bitsy spider.  Loud kiss noises usually are rewarded with a big gummy smile.  But eskimo kisses are even sweeter.  She is drooling constantly, and her hand seems to taste pretty good.  She is working on rolling over, but is still not there yet.  On her tummy she can inch worm her way across the bed – lifts her head, then her but and scootches towards mama.  She loves flying like an airplane, but you’ve got to watch out for the drool!  She’s easily distracted while eating and often unlatches to look around, or to my delight, to look up and smile at me!

From today’s 5 month photo shoot 😉

5 Months Old!

5 Months Old!

Drunk Baby

Drunk Baby

Distracted by the sign, but look at those awesome booties!

Distracted by the sign, but look at those awesome booties!

Sweet Smile

Sweet Smile